So now that lockdown is easing it is looking like this industry is slowly getting back to normal (fingers crossed). We are seeing far more breakdowns for Film, TV, Modelling and everything in between, which is great news for us as agents and for our talent… BUT it is looking like things will be a bit different for the time being…
Castings/Auditions are now either taking place via self tape or zoom calls, and as we mainly represent children and young adults, we actually think this is a good thing for our Goldilocks Talent. We know it is sometimes hard to get your child in to Central London after a hard day at work or after your child has been at school or college all day, so actually a zoom call straight from your sofa or your own video recording from your front room couldn’t be any easier!
We have also been in talks with the PMA about how this may be good way for the audition process to take place moving forward, or at least a good way to start so that you are only having to meet the director and casting director of a job once you have been shortlisted to the last couple of choices for a role. It would definitely take out the travel time, the expense and the wait time during the audition process.
Also shoots are either taking place in your own home (either with a very small crew or you filming yourselves on your own smartphones) or in a studio. Both ways will be following all government guidelines.
We are also happy to announce that our books are finally open again, so if you or anyone you know wants to get into TV or Modelling then please do get in touch. You can either upload your details via our website or you can email us a photo, your full name, date of birth, contact details and where you are based in the UK to [email protected]
We look forward to receiving your photos and can not wait to be able to represent some of you and hopefully see your lovely faces on the big & little screen one day!