April 27, 2020

Today’s Blog – Coronavirus has cancelled Castings! Time for Self Tapes to Takeover!

So how is everyone coping with lockdown?  We are doing it ourselves too, so understand the trials and tribulations of keeping ourselves and our little (and not so little) ones occupied! Home schooling, exercise (thanks Joe Wicks) and baking… Repeat ad infinitum!

Anyway, we thought this would be a good time to hone your self taping & audition skills, especially as at the moment, castings in person have been cancelled and all auditions are taking place via self tape.  In case you don’t know, a self tape is an audition without actually having to leave your house, which is especially apt at the moment!

Two Top Tips for Tapes:

  1. Learn the lines, or at least familiarise yourself with them so you are not looking down at the script the whole time.
  2. Act the lines, don’t just read them.

Now the other day, I was watching ‘Stranger Things’ and if you don’t know the main cast are children and are brilliant actors.  So I found their original auditions for their roles and they are pretty amazing.  One of the actors even did his self tape from his sick bed at home!!  Take a look here:


Now think back to the self tapes you have submitted, and how do they compare?

So, what next? Here is a great link on how to self tape:


Also, Spotlight have one too:


So while we are all on lockdown and trying to come up with things to do, why don’t you do some practice with self tape auditions?  And just for fun… do a search for celebrities first auditions on YouTube and you will see some interesting tapes!
